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Ари Амаӡаратә Политикаҿы, атерминқәа «Ентропик» ма «Ентропик Атехнологиақәа» ма «АфектЛаб» ма «Хромо» ма «Ҳара» ма «Ҳара» ма «Ҳара» ҳәа зыӡбахә ҳәоу асаитқәа зегьы ирызкуп (уахь иаҵанакуеит, аха урҭ рыдагьы // www.entropik .io // // насгьы уи иадҳәалоу асубдоменқәеи адоменқәеи) Ентропики уи ахәҭақәеи ирымоу ма напхгара рзызуа аалыҵқәеи амаҵзурақәеи рыцны.
Ари Амаӡаратә Политика ҳхы иаҳархәо аԥҟарақәа (“Аԥҟарақәа”) рыцны шәаԥхьатәуп, урҭ Ари Амаӡаратә Политикаҿы иарбанзаалак ҩыра дула ахархәара змоу, аха Аԥҟарақәа рҿы иаҳәо аҵакы амазароуп.
Ари Амаӡаратә Политика иҳаилнаркаауеит Ентропик аҵыхәтәантәи ахархәаҩцәа, аклиентцәа, мамзаргьы Ентропик ашәҟәы иҭагалоу ахархәаҩцәа рҟынтә (зегьы еизакны, “Шәара”) адыррақәа шеизнаго, насгьы урҭ адыррақәа шәхы ишадырхәо. , насгьы уи аинформациа егьырҭ ирылаҳарҵәар ахьҳалшо аҭагылазаашьақәа. Ари аполитика ахархәара амоуп (а) Entropiks’ асаитқәа ирҭаауа ахархәаҩцәа; (б) Entropik’s SaaS платформаҿы зҽҭазыҩуа ахархәаҩцәа; мамзаргьы (в) Ентропик амаҵзурақәа/аалыҵқәа руак зхы иазырхәо (електроенцефалограмма (“ЕЕГ”) алахәхара уахь иналаҵаны, аҿаԥшыратә кодировка, акьысра ашьҭаҵара, аблақәа рышьҭаҵара ма аҭҵаара). Ентропик амаҵзурақәа зхы иазырхәар зылшо аклиентцәа ма апартниорцәа. Ахԥатәи аган амаӡаратә ԥҟарақәа ирызку адырра азы, ҳҳәоит, урҭ рмаӡаратә политика шәахәаԥш.
Уара абри Амаӡаратә политикаҿы иаагоу аԥҟарақәа урыԥхьахьеит, уеилукааит, насгьы уақәшаҳаҭхеит ҳәа иԥхьаӡахоит. Ари Амаӡаратә политика уақәшаҳаҭны, абри Амаӡаратә политикаҿы ишҳәоу еиԥш, Ахатә дыррақәа рхархәара, реизгара, раартра уақәшаҳаҭхоит.
Уара азин умоуп ианакәызаалакгьы Entropik Technolgies амаҵзурақәа рҟынтәи ахы ақәиҭтәра. Уи адагьы, Шәара ишәылшоит, ахь е-маил шәышьҭны, шәхатә дыррақәа ҳара иҳамоу-иҳамаму шәазҵаар, насгьы шәара ишәылшоит аҳәара ҟашәҵар урҭ адыррақәа зегьы ҳԥыхырц, насгьы рықәхразы.
Ентропик амаҵзура даҽа хаҭарак ихьӡала ахархәара амазар (ахәыҷы/ахәыҷы иеиԥш, уҳәа убас иҵегьы), мамзаргьы иарбанзаалак аилазаара ахьӡала, Уара иуҳәоит абри Амаӡаратә Политика ақәшаҳаҭхаразы азин шумоу, насгьы иаҭаххар, абри аҩыза адыррақәа рылаҵара уи ауаҩы ма аилазаара ахьӡала.
Азҵаарақәа, азакәантә, аиқәымшәарақәа, ма агәынамӡарақәа ыҟазар, ҵаҟа зыӡбахә ҳәоу агәынамӡарақәа рзы аусзуҩы и-е-маил шәзаацәажәа, уи агәынамӡарақәа анроуз инаркны мызкы иалагӡаны азҵаарақәа рыӡбоит:
Еизаҳго аинформациеи уи ҳхы ишаҳархәои
Аконтакттә дыррақәа: Шәара иҳашәҭар шәылшоит шәконтакттә дыррақәа (е-маил адрес, аҭел аномер, шәахьынхо атәыла), ҳмаҵзура ахархәарала, ҳсаит аҿы иҟоу аформала, ҳҭирақәа ма ҳклиентцәа рыцхырааратә гәыԥ шәрыҿцәажәарала, мамзаргьы Ентропиктәи аҭҵаара аҭак аҳасабала.
Ахархәаратә дыррақәа: Ҳара еизаҳгоит шәара шәзы ахархәаратә дыррақәа, шәызҭаауа ауеб-даҟьақәа, шәзықәыӷәӷәо, иҟашәҵо аусқәа уахь иналаҵаны, Google Analytics еиԥш иҟоу амыругақәа рыла, мамзаргьы егьырҭ амыругақәа рыла, ҳсаит мамзаргьы ҳмаҵзура шәанрыҿцәажәо.
Аиқәыршәагаи абраузери рдыррақәа: Ҳара ҳмаҵзурақәа рахь шәхы иашәырхәо аиқәыршәагаи апликациеи рҟынтәи адыррақәа еизаҳгоит. Аиқәыршәага адыррақәа еиҳарак иаанагоит уи IP-адрес, аоперациатә система аверсиа, аиқәыршәага ахкы, асистемеи аусуратә дыррақәеи, абраузер ахкы.
Ажурналтә дыррақәа: Иахьа асаитқәа реиҳарак реиԥш, ҳвеб-серверқәа рҿы ажурналтә фаилқәа ҵәахуеит, урҭ асерверқәа рахь ианнеиуа аамҭазы адыррақәа ҭарыҩуеит. Ажурналтә фаилқәа рҿы иҟоуп еиуеиԥшым анеирҭақәа рҟазшьа иазку адыррақәа, уахь иаҵанакуеит IP-адресқәа, интернеттә усбарҭақәа, Ҳсаит аҿы иубо аресурсқәа (HTML адаҟьақәа, асахьақәа, уҳәа убас иҵегьы), аоперациатә система аверсиақәа, ахархәага ахкы, аамҭатә мҳәырқәа.
Анагаратә дыррақәа: Entropik асаит ахь адәныҟатәи ахыҵхырҭа аҟынтәи шәнеизар (даҽа саитк аҿы ма е-маилк аҿы иҟоу аимадара еиԥш), Ҳара ҳара ҳахь шәназышьҭыз ахыҵхырҭа иазку адыррақәа ҳҭаҩуеит. Ахԥатәи аганқәеи аинтеграциатә партниорцәеи рҟынтәи адыррақәа: Ҳара еизаҳгоит шәхатә дыррақәа ма шәдыррақәа ахԥатәи аганқәа рҟынтә, урҭ ахԥатәи аганқәа шәдыррақәа ҳара иҳацеиҩыршарц азин рышәҭозар, мамзаргьы уи адыррақәа интернетла зегьы рзы иахьыҟашәҵаз.
Аконт адыррақәа: Ҳара ҳ-онлайн-платформаҿы шәхы шәанҭашәҵо, шәхы шәҭашәырҩыз ахархәаҩ шәҟалоит (“Entropik Registered User”). Абас еиԥш иҟоу аҽҭаҩраан, Ҳара еизаҳгоит шәыхьӡи шәыжәлеи (зегьы еицны хьӡы зегьы ҳәа иашьҭоуп), шәхы иашәырхәо ахьӡ, аԥсыӡажәа, шәе-маил адрес.
Аҳасабтәқәа рзы адыррақәа: Акомпаниа (“Ентропик”) аџьармыкьатә ҭҵаара ма ахархәаҩцәа рыҭҵааратә усбарҭақәа рхы аладырхәырц азы ахархәаҩцәа рыкредиттә карта адыррақәа рҭахӡам. ашәара амҩаԥгаразы акредиттә карта адыррақәа ҭагалара аҭаххар ауеит, насгьы урҭ адыррақәа Ентропик аҿы иҵәахӡам.
Ҳара ҳмаҵзурақәа рхархәараан еизгоу адыррақәа ЕЕГ мамзаргьы аблақәа рышьҭаҵара мамзаргьы Ентропик имҩаԥнаго аҭҵаара шәалахәызар, шәара ишәҭаххар ауеит ауеб-камера аҭалара, насгьы шәҿы авидео аҭыхразы шәақәшаҳаҭхара ҭаҩуп. Уара иаахҵәаны уақәшаҳаҭра ҟауҵароуп, ауеб-камера уҿы авидео (қәа) еизнагарц азы. Ақәшаҳаҭра шьҭыхтәуп асессиа аан ианакәызаалакгьы, асессиа аанкыланы. Аҿаԥшыратә видеоқәа ҳкомпьютерқәа рыла анализ рзууеит, аблақәа рылаԥш рышьҭақәа (x,y акоординатқәа рышьҭагыла) рыԥхьаӡаразы, насгьы ацәаныррақәа рыԥшааразы аҿаԥшыратә кодировкатә алгоритмқәа. Авидеоқәа шәара ишәыдҳәалаӡам, аҵара шәалахәхарц азы иҭашәҵо аинформациа ала ада (иаҳҳәап, аҭҵааратә зҵаарақәа рҭакқәа). AffectLab EEG аҵара шәалахәны, шәара шәақәшаҳаҭуп AffectLab мамзаргьы уи иадҳәалоу апартниорцәа ргарнитурақәа рыла шәхы-хшыбаҩтә цәқәырԥақәа реизгара, акогнитивтәи аффективтәи апараметрқәа рышьақәыргыларазы.
Other services you link to your account We receive information about you when you or your administrator integrate or link a third-party service with our Services. For example, if you create an account or log into the Services using your Google credentials, we receive your name and email address as permitted by your Google profile settings to authenticate you. You or your administrator may also integrate our Services with other services you use, such as to allow you to access, store, share and edit certain content from a third-party through our Services. The information we receive when you link or integrate our Services with a third-party service depends on the settings, permissions and privacy policy controlled by that third-party service. You should always check the privacy settings and notices in these third-party services to understand what data may be disclosed to us or shared with our Services
How long is your information stored? We store your Personally Identifiable Information for as long as it is required for Our research and business purposes and as required by law or until we receive a request from You to delete the same. When We no longer require such Personally Identifiable Information, We will delete it from our systems.
Facial videos are permanently deleted within 30 days once You provide Us a written request to delete the video(s) post the survey. Facial images will not be associated with any Personally Identifiable Information and will be stored only to improve the accuracy of the AffectLab or Entropik models.
EU GDPR – Rights Identification Key Even though Entropik is processing data at the request of the data controller (being the Entropik Registered User), We want to ensure that You can execute your rights under the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“EU GDPR”). At the start and end of a session, we provide You with a key tied to your face video or brainwave data (even after deletion). In the event You contact Us and provide Us with this key, We may provide You with the status of the face video data collected. Entropik has also provided Entropik Registered Users with a range of tools to help them manage their rights when they participate in Our sessions.
Use of Cookies We may use first-party cookies (small text files that Our website(s) store/s locally on your computer) on Our websites for one or more of the following purposes: to help identify unique and returning visitors and/or devices; conduct A/B testing; or diagnose problems with Our servers. Browsers do not share first-party cookies across domains. Entropik does not use methods such as browser cache, Flash cookies, or ETags, for acquiring or storing information about end users’ web browsing activity. You can set your browser preferences to refuse all cookies should You wish to prevent cookies from being used.
Disclosure of Information to Third Parties We do not share your Personally Identifiable Information with third parties other than as follows.
(1) Service Providers Information, including Entropik’s user information, and any Personally Identifiable Information contained therein, may be shared with certain third-party companies and individuals that help facilitate technical and administrative aspects of Entropik’s services (e.g., email communications) or perform functions related to the administration of Entropik (e.g., hosting services). These third parties perform tasks on Our behalf and are contractually obligated not to disclose or use Entropik’s user information for any other purpose and to employ adequate security measures to prevent unauthorized access to such data. However, Entropik shall not be responsible in the event that Personally Identifiable Information is disclosed as a result of a breach or security lapse by any such third party.
We use the lead generation service provided by Leadfeeder, which recognizes visits of companies to our website based on IP addresses and shows us related publicly available information, such as the company’s names or addresses. Additionally, Leadfeeder places first-party cookies to provide transparency on how Our visitors use Our website, and the tool processes domains from provided form inputs (e.g., “”) to correlate IP addresses with companies and to enhance its services. For additional information, please visit You can object to the processing of your personal data at any time. For any requests or concerns, please contact Our Data Protection Officer at
(2) Law Enforcement and Legal Process Entropik also reserves the right to disclose any client user information (including Personally Identifiable Information) to: (i) comply with laws or to respond to lawful requests and legal processes, a judicial proceeding, or court order; or (ii) to protect the rights and property of Entropik, our agents, clients and others including to enforce our agreements, policies, and terms of use; or (iii) in an emergency to protect the personal safety of Entropik, its clients, or any person.
(3) Business Sale If Entropik, or substantially all of its assets, is acquired by another company or successor entity, Entropik’s client information will be one of the assets transferred or acquired by the purchaser or successor. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur and that any purchaser of or successor to Entropik or its assets may continue to collect, use and disclose your information acquired prior to such transfer or acquisition as set forth in this policy.
Security of your Personally Identifiable Information The security of your Personally Identifiable Information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personally Identifiable Information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. Examples of these include limited and password-protected access, high-security public/private keys, and SSL encryption to protect the transmission. However, remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personally Identifiable Information.
Third-Party Disclaimer Entropik’s website(s) may contain links to other websites. Please note that when You click on one of these links, You will be entering another website over which We have no control and for which We will bear no responsibility. Often these websites require You to enter your Personally Identifiable Information. We encourage hereby encourage You to read the privacy policies of all such websites, as their policies may differ from our Privacy Policy. You hereby agree that We shall not be liable for any breach of your privacy or Personally Identifiable Information or for any loss incurred by Your use of such websites or services. The inclusions or exclusions are not suggestive of any endorsement by Entropik of the website or its contents of the website. You may visit any third-party website linked to the Entropik website at your own risk.
Additionally, the Entropik website may allow for certain content generated by You, which can be accessed by other users. Such users, including any moderators or administrators, are not authorized representatives or agents of Entropik, and their opinions or statements do not necessarily reflect those of Entropik, and We are not bound thereby to any contract to that effect. Entropik expressly disclaims any liability for any reliance or misuse of such information that is made available by You.
Provisions Specific to EU Residents
Rights of EU residents under the EU GDPR If You are a citizen of the European Union (“EU”), You have certain rights under the EU GDPR relating to how others handle your personal data. These rights are:
If You wish to exercise these rights, contact us at
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