
Insurance Questionnaire: Tips, Questions and Significance

Leverage this pre-built customizable questionnaire template for insurance to get deep insights from your audience.

Soham Saha
April 5, 2024
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Proper understanding and meeting customer needs are of utmost importance in insurance. This is where questionnaires come into play, serving as tools for insurers or insurance companies that help to find insights from their customers on a large scale. A well-designed and well-thought-out set of questionnaires can unlock valuable data, providing important information about customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement for any business.

A set of questionnaires helps insurance companies gather information in a well-organized approach. They ask specific questions to learn what customers care about most, like how much coverage they want, how easy it is to make claims, how good the customer service is, and more questions like this. This information guides insurance companies in making their products and services better match their customers' wants and needs.

In this blog, we’ll provide you with a set of questionnaires on insurance, which you can use as a template for gathering insurance information.

What is the Significance of Questionnaires on Insurance?

Questionnaires play a significant role in the insurance industry for several reasons:

1. Understanding Customer Needs

Questionnaires allow insurance companies to gather feedback directly from their customers. Companies can gain valuable insights into customer needs and expectations by asking targeted questions about policy preferences, coverage requirements, and overall satisfaction with their insurance experience. This understanding enables insurers to tailor their products and services to meet the demands of their clientele better.

2. Assessing Customer Satisfaction

Through questionnaires, insurers can gauge the level of satisfaction among their policyholders. By evaluating feedback on various aspects of the insurance process, such as claims handling, customer service, and policy features, companies can identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. This information enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to higher retention rates and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

3. Improving Products and Services

Questionnaires provide insurance companies with actionable data to drive product and service enhancements. By analyzing customer feedback, insurers can identify pain points and opportunities for innovation. Whether streamlining claims processes, expanding coverage options, or introducing new digital tools, questionnaires help insurers prioritize initiatives that will significantly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Informing Business Strategy

Questionnaire responses offer valuable insights into market trends and consumer behavior. By analyzing survey data, insurers can identify emerging patterns, preferences, and needs within their target market. This information informs strategic decision-making, helping companies stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market dynamics.

5. Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Questionnaires might have questions about following rules and laws. Insurance companies ensure they're doing things right by asking about risks, what policies cover, and meeting industry rules. This helps lower the chance of getting into trouble with rules and makes policyholders feel more confident and trusting.


General and Health Insurance Questionnaire

Here are ten general and health insurance survey questionnaire sample questions:

  1. Are you happy with the overall experience of your insurance policy?
  2. How likely will you recommend our insurance company to a friend or family member?
  3. How would you rate the clarity and transparency of your insurance policy terms and conditions?
  4. Have you had to file a claim with our insurance company in the past year?
  5. If you have filed a claim, please rate your satisfaction with the claims handling process.
  6. How would you rate the affordability of your insurance premiums?
  7. Are you satisfied with the coverage provided by your insurance policy?
  8. How would you rate the responsiveness and helpfulness of our customer service representatives?
  9. Does your insurance policy adequately meet your current healthcare needs?
  10. How satisfied are you with your insurance policy's range of healthcare services?

Car Insurance Questionnaire

Here are ten car insurance survey questionnaire sample questions:

  1. How satisfied are you with the coverage provided by your car insurance policy?
  2. Have you had to file a claim with your car insurance company in the past year?
  3. If you have filed a claim, please rate your satisfaction with the claims handling process.
  4. How would you rate the affordability of your car insurance premiums?
  5. How satisfied are you with the responsiveness and helpfulness of the customer service representatives at your car insurance company?
  6. How well does your car insurance policy meet your specific needs and requirements?
  7. Have you experienced any difficulties or challenges when renewing your car insurance policy?
  8. How satisfied are you with your car insurance policy's overall value for money?
  9. How would you rate the clarity and transparency of your car insurance policy terms and conditions?
  10. How likely will you renew your car insurance policy with the same company when it expires?

How to Use the Questionnaire Template on Insurance in Qatalyst?

Step 1: Log in to the Qatalyst platform to access the dashboard homepage.

Step 2: Click on the “Study Templates” option to find an array of templates, from concept validation to wireframe testing.

Step 3: Select the “Run A Product Satisfaction Survey” template to help you gather continuous insights by sending out feature satisfaction questions. You can include questions like “Have you had to file a claim with our insurance company in the past year?” or “Does your insurance policy adequately meet your current healthcare needs?”

Step 4: Now you have a draft version of the study with a Welcome Page. You can add a test description for the users on the page. On the top left, type in the name.

Step 5: The left panel includes different block options for the survey with predefined questions. You can add, delete, and rearrange question blocks. 

Step 6: The right panel includes properties, design, and logic options for options for changing layouts, colors, etc. For example, you can replace the existing image on the welcome page and add a more relevant one.

Step 7: It can be customized further by changing questions to suit your survey objectives. Click on the “+” button on the left to add a combination of blocks like Multiple Choice, Checkbox, etc., on the left to add your questions and answer options. Since the template is completely customizable, add, delete, and change blocks and questions as required.

Once a test is set up, you can preview and publish the test with buttons available on the top right of the page. The test link can be shared with the Social Share option on different Social media platforms, or it can be shared directly with respondents.


Best Practices For Creating a Questionnaire on Insurance

Here are three key best practices for creating a questionnaire on insurance:

1. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly outline the goals and objectives of the questionnaire to ensure that questions are relevant and focused on gathering actionable insights.

2. Keep it Concise

Limit the questionnaire length to avoid respondent fatigue and ensure higher completion rates. Focus on essential questions that directly relate to the objectives.

3. Use Balanced and Unbiased Questions

Phrase questions in a neutral and unbiased manner to elicit honest responses. Include balanced response options and avoid leading questions influencing respondents' answers.

Final Words

Making a well-researched questionnaire is important for learning useful things about insurance. When you have clear goals, keep the questions short and fair, and ask in a balanced way, you can get helpful information. This helps insurance companies make better choices and improve what they offer customers.

Qatalyst offers a range of predefined structures and formats that can be easily customized to suit specific research objectives. These templates often include pre-built components such as questionnaires, task flows, and UX research. By leveraging these templates, you can save time and effort in setting up your studies and focus on the core research tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1: What is an insurance survey?

Answer: An insurance survey allows insurance companies to learn from their customers or potential customers. They ask questions to determine how satisfied people are, what they need and like, and how they feel about the insurance products and services. This helps the companies improve their offerings and improve how customers feel about them.

Question 2: What are some common questions about life insurance?

Answer: Some common questions about life insurance include:

  1. What type of life insurance policy is best for me?
  2. How much life insurance coverage do I need?
  3. What are the premium costs and payment options?
  4. Are there any exclusions or limitations to the policy?
  5. Can I adjust the coverage amount or policy terms in the future?

Question 3: What is an insurance risk survey?

Answer: An insurance risk survey is when insurance experts check out someone's property or business to see how risky it is to insure. They might look at the building, check documents, and gather info to understand what could go wrong and how likely it is. This helps insurance companies decide how much to charge for insurance and what kind of coverage to offer.

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Author Bio

Soham Saha
Soham is a true Manchester United fan who finds joy in more than just football. Whether navigating the open road, scoring virtual goals in FIFA, reading novels, or enjoying quality time with friends, Soham embraces a life full of diverse passions.

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