
Product Review Template

Learn how to conduct a product review and get insights with this template on the Qatalyst platform.

Kham Chakhap
March 24, 2024
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What is a product review template?

A product review template is a structured format or outline used to evaluate and provide feedback on a particular product. It typically includes various sections covering different aspects of the product, such as its features, performance, usability, quality, value for money, and overall satisfaction. 

Product review templates can be useful for both reviewers and users, as they provide a standardized format for organizing and presenting information, making it easier to compare different products and make informed purchase decisions.

Product Review Sample

Why do you need a product review template?

A product review template is a structured guide to help users effectively convey their thoughts and opinions about a particular product. Below are some reasons it can be effective in research:

Structured Evaluation: Using a product review template provides a structured framework for evaluating various aspects of a product. This approach ensures that you cover all relevant factors systematically, allowing for detailed analysis.

Consistency: Having a standardized template helps maintain consistency across different product reviews within your research. Consistency is crucial for ensuring fair comparisons and reliable conclusions, as it minimizes the risk of overlooking or overemphasizing key aspects of products.

Efficiency: A well-designed product review template streamlines the data collection process by clearly outlining what information needs to be gathered. This efficiency not only saves time but also ensures that you focus on collecting the most relevant data points for your research objectives.

Comparison and Analysis: By using a consistent template across multiple product reviews, you facilitate easier comparison and analysis of findings. This comparative analysis enables you to identify patterns, trends, strengths, and weaknesses across different products, ultimately enhancing the depth and quality of your research insights.


How do I use this Product Review Template on Qatalyst?

Step 1: Log in to the Qatalyst platform to access the dashboard homepage.

Step 2: Go to the top right and select the Study Templates button to get predefined template options for different types of research.

Step 3: Under Study Templates template options, select the Usability Testing option.

 Step 4: Upon selecting, a dialog box will pop up. Select the Usability Testing a New Product Template and click on the Use This Template button to get started.

Step 4: Now you have a draft version of the study with a Welcome Page in front of you. You can add a test description for the users on the page. On the top left, type in the name of the study.

Step 5: The left panel includes different block options for the survey with predefined questions. You can add, delete, and rearrange question blocks. 

Step 6: The right panel includes properties, design, and logic options for changing layouts, colors, etc. For example, you can replace the existing image on the welcome page and add a more relevant one.

Step 7: It can be customized further by changing questions to suit your product review objectives. Click on the “+” button on the left to add a combination of study blocks like Checkbox, Preference Test, etc. Since the template is completely customizable, add, delete, and change blocks as required.

 Once a test is set up, you can preview and publish the test with buttons available on the top right of the page. 

Best Practices for Creating a Product Review Study

These are some of the best practices for creating questions for social media surveys:

  1. Clear Objective: Define a clear purpose for your product survey by understanding what aspects of the product you want to evaluate, such as its features, usability, durability, or value for money.
  1. Select a Representative Sample: Choose a diverse sample of participants to ensure your findings are applicable to your target audience. Consider factors such as demographics, usage patterns, and familiarity with similar products to enhance the credibility of your study.
  1. Structured Evaluation Criteria: Develop a set of structured evaluation criteria to assess the product objectively. These criteria should be relevant to your objectives and cover all key aspects of the product. 
  1. Use Mixed Method Research: Combine quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to gain insights into the product's strengths and weaknesses. Surveys, interviews, user testing, etc., can be used to gather both numerical and in-depth feedback from participants.
  1. Ensure Transparency and Objectivity: Ensure the credibility of your findings by using standardized procedures for data collection and analysis to minimize subjective interpretations. Present your findings accurately, highlighting both positive and negative aspects of the product without bia


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What should be included in a usability testing template?
Who typically uses a usability testing template?
Are there any tips for using a usability testing template?
How do I use a usability testing template?

Author Bio

Kham Chakhap
As an intrepid explorer of both physical and intellectual realms, Kham seeks to unravel the intricacies of the human experience and merge them with the transformative power of AI. On odd days, she can be found wandering around trying to find that elusive scenic and quiet café where she can sip on matchas and get lost in the written word.

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