Eye Tracking Technology Whitepaper

Eye Tracking Technology Whitepaper

Entropik Tech's whitepaper on Eye Tracking Technology covers the importance and uses of eye-tracking technology in various industries.

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Entropik's AI-Enabled Eye Tracking Technology explained:

In today’s world, consumers are bombarded with endless advertisements and marketing messages. With so much exposure, consumers tend to zone out from what they usually see. But with Eye Tracking, marketers can test whether their marketing messages really are effective to their target audience. It moves away from thinking that branding was not in an optimum location on the screen/ shelf, or packing was not appealing.

Affect Lab provides quick insights to your ad creatives/packaging designs/website with easy-to-understand metrics on consumer attention enabling you to make data driven decisions all with emotion AI based Eye Tracking Technology.

This whitepaper will help you understand:

  • Origin & Need of Eye Tracking
  • Hardware Based Eye Tracker’s work
  • Software Based Eye Tracker’s work
  • Benefits of Webcam Based Eye Tracking
  • Different Application across Digital Channels
  • How it helps Maximize ROI on Marketing Spends