Facial Coding Technology

Facial Coding Technology

Entropik Tech's whitepaper on facial coding explores how the company's emotion AI technology can analyze facial expressions to measure emotional responses.

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According to Harvard Professor Gerald Zaltman, "95% of purchase decision making are subconscious and are driven by emotions”. Emotions determine the consumer's underlying decision and influence their buying behavior and purchase decisions.

Facial Expression - is a gesture performed by Humans using facial muscles to convey their feelings. In fact, it plays an important role in human communications, as it is one of the nonverbal communication channels.

With Entropik's Facial Coding Technology, it is now possible for brands to measure human emotions while in real-time while they are consuming video/print content or browsing any website or Mobile App.

This whitepaper will help you understand:

  • Origin of Facial Expression Analysis
  • Inferring Emotion From Human Facial Movements
  • Facial Action Coding System & Advanced Machine Learning
  • Facial Coding can Measures the Efficacy of Brand Creatives, Content & UI/UX Design
  • Maximize ROI on Marketing Spends Using Facial Coding