How to Increase Brand Awareness

With the right brand awareness strategy and Insights AI, you can improve consumer perception and brand recognition. Learn how with this article!


Tanvi Moitra


January 12, 2024

Have you ever purchased something thinking, “ If it belongs to this specific brand, it has to be great!” or blindly went for it without considering its competitors? Or have you ever used proprietary eponyms such as asking for a “Xerox” instead of a photocopy, calling for an “Uber” instead of a taxi, or ordering a “Coke” instead of a Cola? These are all examples of brand awareness.

That’s the effect a brand can have on you. We can like or dislike a brand for a variety of reasons. Still, brand awareness has the power to make a company seem like it belongs in the lives and shopping habits of its target audience, making them feel like they never have to second-guess their decision to buy from you.

Brand awareness is crucial as it impacts the way your consumers perceive a brand and its products. It influences the consumer’s purchase decisions, attitudes, and beliefs and plays a crucial role in solidifying market positioning and consumer loyalty. However, improving or strengthening brand awareness in this highly globalized market is difficult. 

Insights AI, a combination of Generative AI, Emotion AI, and Behavior AI, eliminates this problem and makes measuring brand awareness a breeze.With this article, you will be able to understand why is brand awareness important, cultivate it with your audience, and create brand awareness campaigns that will enable it to evolve and expand together with your company. So, let's get started- 

What is Brand Awareness Theory?

The basic idea of brand awareness theory is customer perception. Like with real-life people, we often associate ambiguous themes or personalities—both positive and negative—with the Brands, services, and products we deal with. Although it sounds complicated, this is actually very easy. Two basic psychological processes are assumed to comprise brand awareness in consumers: 

Types of brand awareness- 

  • Unaided Recall (or Brand Recall)
  • Aided Recall ( or Brand Recognition)
  • Top-of-mind Recall

What is Brand Awareness? 

The degree to which a brand is appropriately linked to its specific product or service and recognized by potential consumers is known as brand awareness. 

Brands may not achieve eponym status in terms of brand awareness, but even modest levels of accomplishment are considered achievements. This could imply:

  • Customers are aware of the brand’s reputation.
  • A social media user has certain expectations from your content. For example- they expect the content to be funny, informative, etc. 
  • Consumers choose your products without considering other competitor brands, irrespective of the difference in price and quality.
  • Consumers search your brand name to find your products or services directly.  

What is the Main Goal of Brand Awareness?

The main goal of brand awareness is to build and improve brand recognition within its target market. Setting goals for brand recognition enables brands to dominate their industry and remain at the forefront of customers' minds. They give brands the ability to stand out from rivals and gain the audience's confidence and trust. These goals also enable brands to drive successful marketing initiatives and build an effective brand awareness strategy.

Brand Awareness in Marketing & Advertising

Through an assortment of media, the brand influences customer brand awareness, disseminates information about itself, teaches consumers, forges a brand identity, and so on.

Let’s take a look at which marketing and advertising techniques can be used to increase brand awareness-

Brand Awareness in Marketing

Brand awareness can be increased by using multiple marketing techniques such as - Social media engagement, email marketing, content marketing, collaboration marketing, earned media, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Brand Awareness in Advertising 

Brand awareness can be increased by Pay-per-click advertising, experiential advertising, and creative advertising. 

Importance of Brand Awareness

Having a strong brand can massively impact the way consumers perceive you and your business growth. Brand awareness fosters trust, loyalty, and associations and helps build brand equity. 

Here are some other reasons why brand awareness is important - 

  • Gaining the confidence of consumers
  • Facilitating marketing endeavors
  • Assisting in reaching the intended audience
  • Influencing the decisions made by consumers when making purchases
  • Encouraging adherence to a brand
  • Assisting companies in becoming more competitive

These reasons make regular brand health tracking important to increase and maintain brand awareness.


How do You Create Brand Awareness?

1. Build Strong Brand Recognition

A crucial first step towards increasing brand recognition is brand building. This implies that you must be very clear about your brand's identity and mission. Ask yourself questions such as- 

  • How does your brand appear to consumers? 
  • What tone of voice does your brand have? 
  • What principles does your brand stand by?

2. Don’t Stick to a Single Brand Voice

It's not necessary to adopt the same tone across all formats. You can play around with different tones of voice across different channels such as social media, emails, etc.

However, your messaging about your product and to customers should ultimately be consistent across all platforms. Adhere to your style guide and select a few important words and phrases that are consistent.

3. Keep Your Brand Aesthetically Consistent

Building a brand and increasing brand awareness requires consistency. That applies to both your appearance and your speech.

Which colors best represent your brand? Typefaces? How do you appear on sites that are mostly visual, such as Instagram and TikTok

Take Coca-Cola, for example; the colors red and white are directly associated with Coke and not any other fizzy beverage brand. Moreover, Coca-Cola has made Christmas its own; consumers directly relate to Coca-Cola whenever Christmas is around. This is because Coca-Cola has kept its brand aesthetic consistent across decades.

4. Let Your Brand Tell a Story

Marketing with storytelling is a very effective strategy that works well for both product and brand promotion. Why? Because it provides your viewers with something relatable to cling to.

Developing a story around your brand offers it character and substance. Furthermore, incorporating this story into your marketing automatically promotes your brand in addition to your products and services.

What should the subject of your story be? Anything goes, provided it's accurate. It might be your founder's story, the narrative of how the brand came up with its first concept or the tale of the little engine that could show how your little business succeeded in the large world.

5. Create Value Beyond Your Own Product or Service

Adding value beyond your product is a crucial strategy for developing long-term brand awareness. Consider how you can enlighten, teach, or amuse people.

Do any members of your team possess specialized knowledge? Talk about it with others! Use a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or newsletter to share your information.

Direct sales should not be the goal of this. Instead, this is a method of increasing brand awareness and fostering relationships that give audiences additional chances to get to know your company.

6. Create Shareable Content

Regardless of your industry, line of business, or advertising tactics, encourage audience sharing of your content. These could be product pages, paid content, videos, blog articles, or posts on social media. Whatever it is, as long as it can be shared, it works. This builds customer familiarity and trust and builds customer loyalty through word-of-mouth marketing.

How to Increase Brand Awareness with Insights AI

A brand is more than simply a company, a product, or a logo; instead, it's the whole impression a consumer gets while interacting with the brand. A brand can also be identified by the unique attributes that set it apart from its rivals.

Brands must present themselves in the best possible light in this cutthroat market so consumers would choose them first. To do this, brands need to strengthen their brand awareness and recognition. One such efficient method is using deep consumer insights to support brand building and increase consumer engagement.

Insights AI is a combination of Generative AI, Emotion AI, and Behavior AI which provides brands with actionable and reliable consumer insights. Brands can use this to formulate a bullet-proof brand awareness strategy and put their best foot forward. 

Here is how you can use Insights AI to increase brand awareness- 

1) Ad and Media

Advertisements and other media formats are crucial to establish a strong association between your consumers and your brand. For example, Coca-Cola’s Christmas ad campaigns are so consistent that consumers associate Christmas with Coca-Cola. 

By providing a consistent message and experience across touchpoints, brands can improve their brand recognition. Maintaining consistency in your messaging and experience is essential for creating a memorable brand, which in turn helps to increase brand awareness.

How Insights AI helps you achieve this-

Insights AI helps you understand what your consumers prefer, what visually appeals to them, and what keeps them hooked to your content. With such in-depth insights, you can ensure that consumers find your brand relevant, engaging, and memorable. 

2) Rebranding

Brands often lose touch with their consumers after rebranding themselves, be it in terms of the logo, the name, or the color palette. For example, GAP rebranded its highly recognizable logo in 2010, but it backfired massively, and they had to go back to their previous logo within six days! Even though GAP hired a renowned creative agency, this example highlights the importance of conducting consumer research before making such a big move. This visual change “angered” and “confused” GAP’s customers. 

Customers frequently use logos as the primary indicator of a brand; they frequently think of them first when they hear or think of the brand name. As a result, the logo plays a significant role in increasing brand salience. Changing your logo abruptly could lead to confusion and undermine the progress you've made in building brand awareness. 

Will clients recognize you as the same well-known and cherished brand? Brands frequently underestimate their emotional impact on customers, especially devoted ones. This emotional connection arises from a brand's ability to provide a customer with a sense of security and familiarity with the goods they buy, all thanks to its reputation and easily recognizable name and logo.

How does Insights AI help you make better decisions-

With Insights AI, you can get unbiased consumer insights by analyzing facial emotions, voice tonality, and eye movement. This helps brands understand the subconscious emotions and behaviors that often go unnoticed by marketing and research teams while conducting consumer research. By analyzing the true emotions and behaviors of consumers, brands can rebrand themselves effortlessly without worrying about it backfiring. 

3) Content

Engaging content spreads through a variety of platforms, strengthening a brand's message and raising its value. Moreover, when your content tells a story, viewers consume it more, and it leaves a mark on them. 

How does Insights AI help you create compelling content-

With Insights AI, you can get pinpointed insights about what works in your content and what does not. For example, if you are testing a social media post, you can analyze if the CTA is relevant, if the image is visually appealing, or if your copy is engaging. 

The Bottom Line

Though somewhat nebulous, brand awareness is a powerful idea that can significantly impact your marketing campaigns, customer perception, and sales.

If you use these strategies to create and increase brand awareness, you'll have a devoted customer base that consistently selects your products over those of your rivals and encourages their friends and family to do the same.


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Author Bio

Tanvi can usually be found anxiously treading the office floor to get her content reviewed, here at Entropik. When not absorbed by researching and writing, she loves to read, go for a swim, play badminton, paint, and otherwise spend too much time bingeing on the Office and cuddling her German Shepherd, Whiskey. An absolute foodie, she would love to cook and bake for you and even give you the best dessert suggestions in the office.

Tanvi Moitra

Product Marketing Specialist


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