Delivering Agility with Online Panels in DIY Research

Entropik Tech's webinar on delivering agility with online panels in DIY research explores how online research panels can help businesses conduct faster and more efficient research.



February 23, 2023

DIY Research has evolved in the last five years. Most DIY ResTech companies have online panels that can help you deliver agility in your research as they provide on-demand data quickly and conveniently. While online respondents are readily available these days, their quality remains a lingering question for researchers.

Every project demands unique respondents, and to meet that criteria, Entropik Tech has partnered with global panel providers like Lucid and Dynata to maintain the sanctity of authenticity.

Watch this half-an-hour on-demand webinar presented by Jayesh Menon, Director of Consumer Insights, Entropik Tech.

Jayesh talks about how Entropik Tech delivers agility with its DIY platforms for researchers across different industries.

1. What does DIY Research with AI & ML look like?

2. Why is DIY the future of research?

3. How Entropik Tech's panel providers are maintaining the sanctity of respondent authenticity.