Reducing Bias at Scale with AI Led Behavioral Studies

Entropik Tech's webinar on reducing bias at scale with AI-led behavioral studies discusses how AI can help reduce bias in behavioral studies.



February 23, 2023

Researchers have generally sidelined behavioral studies owing to the cost and logistics incurred.

But over time, research tech has evolved, with AI technologies like Facial Coding and Eye Tracking democratizing behavioral research.

These camera-based technologies make behavioral studies more effortless and more accessible.

Watch this on-demand webinar to experience Entropik Tech's proprietary technologies in action and learn how they can reduce response bias in surveys and qualitative interviews.

1. Get to know AI Led Behavioral Technologies like Facial Coding and Eye-Tracking.

2. How to Go-To-Market 4X Faster with DIY Qual & Quant research platforms.

3. Scale with Accuracy with AI & ML.