Optimize your website flow with information architecture testing

Test the information architecture of your website/app to ensure that users can navigate effortlessly and find what they need.

Effective information architecture testing ensures intuitive user pathways, reducing confusion and boosting engagement on websites or apps.

Create stellar online user experiences

Improve user navigation

Test your website/app information architecture to ensure that users find what they’re looking for.

Optimize path to purchase

Test whether the paths users take to complete a mission are the same as the paths you set.

Integrate with ease

Seamlessly integrate with your favorite tracking tools to test your websites and apps with real users.

See what your users see

Identify what catches your users’ attention and what they ignore so you can create superior user journeys.

Deliver the right insights from your Web/App Testing


reduction in
research TAT


savings in customer development time


decrease in
drop-off rates

Live Web/App Metrics

Facial Coding Metrics
  • Attention = Visual Appeal (0-100)
  • Engagement = Comprehension (0-100)
  • +ve Emotions = Happiness, Surprise
  • -ve Emotions = Anger, Fear, Sadness, Contempt
Eye Tracking Metrics
  • Time to Discover = Area of Interest (AOI)
  • Earned Attention = Focus Levels on AOI
  • % People Watched = Out of Total Testers
  • Exposure Time Duration = Time Spent on AOI

How to set up web/app testing


Create test

Use the card sorting or tree testing blocks to test existing/proposed information architectures.


Define tasks and surveys

Choose tasks or survey questions for screening, pre-survey and post-survey.


Add tester panel

Choose from our panel of 80 mn+ respondents or integrate your own panel and launch your project.


Analyze insights faster

Gather actionable insights as and when your testers complete their tasks through Insights AI.

Perform information architecture testing, and optimize site structure

UI/UX testing
Card Sorting

Conduct open, closed and hybrid card sorting to understand how users categorize and organize information.

Tree testing

Test how well users can find information within the existing hierarchy and identify any issues in navigation and usability.

Book a Demo

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